Update to Safe Snack Guide: November 19, 2013


Please note that we have made changes to the contents of the Safe Snack Guide.

We’re pleased to announce that we have added a number of products by two companies that have joined ourĀ SnackSafely.comĀ Manufacturer’s Partnership Initiative.

They are:

  • Bee Nut Free – a producer of luscious gluten-free, nut-free and dairy-free granola bars, energy bars, trail mixes, and cookies, all free of 7 of the top 8 (FALCPA) allergens;
  • Cybele’s Free-to-Eat – a new line of delicious cookies free of the top 8 allergens by Cybele Pascal, author of numerous best selling allergy-conscious cookbooks.

These entries are listed in bold as we have confirmed the details of their manufacture directly with their respective manufacturers via our Product Portal.

We strongly urge you to discard your current copy of the Guide and download the latest revision:

Click here for the Safe Snack Guide

Once again, we thank our readers and subscribers for their diligence and feedback which helps us keep the Safe Snack Guide up-to-date between product surveys. If you have not subscribed to our mailing list for updates and product advisories, we suggest you do so byĀ completing the form in the right sidebar.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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