Announces Acquisition by National Peanut Board*

- has announced the acquisition of the food allergy advocacy by the National Peanut Board – an organization representing the interests of the nation’s peanut farmers – effective today, April 1.

Beginning this Monday, the focus of the blog will be repurposed to promote the health benefits of wholesome peanut butter in our nation’s schools, the Safe Snack Guide will be renamed The Peanut Snack Guide, and Allergence, their allergen screening service, will now provide 1001 recipes for peanut brittle.

“They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse,” says Dave Bloom,’s former CEO and now the national board’s Chief Goober Officer. “I woke up this morning staring down the barrel of a shotgun and had a sudden epiphany. It was a ‘come to Mr Peanut’ moment.” will begin transitioning to a new site, More information as details become available.

*Please note: This is a parody! A funny! An April Fool’s joke!
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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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