Extreme Heat Will Render Your Epinephrine Ineffective


Yow! It’s hot out just about everywhere.

We remind you that epinephrine auto-injectors should never be exposed to extreme heat or cold as the drug can be rendered ineffective.

Most manufacturers recommend you keep your auto-injector at a temperature between 68-77 °F (20-25 °C) with short excursions between 59-86 ºF (15-30 ºC) permitted.

Never leave your epinephrine in your car, exposed to the sun, or anywhere where the temperature is high. Remember, if you feel hot, then it’s likely too hot for your auto-injector!

Consider using a cool storage case when enjoying the summer weather because the last thing you want is for your expensive life-saving device to fail when you need it most —during an anaphylactic emergency.

Source: EpiPen Safety and Storage — Viatris
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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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