See GMA Segment About Boy Who Survived 5-Day Coma and His Peanut Sniffing Service Dog


Good Morning America kicked off Food Allergy Awareness Week with a segment about 13 year-old Hayden Kreikemeier and his service dog, Trixie. Years ago, Hayden suffered anaphylaxis after eating a candy bar that contained peanuts for which he had a severe allergy. The episode left him in a coma for 5 days.

“I really thought that we had lost him,” Kelly Kreikemeier, Hayden’s mom recalled.

Following the incident, doctors gave the family a dire warning: “He will not live through another reaction. So you’re going to have a choice to make,” Jay Kreikemeier, Hayden’s father, said they were told. “You can either keep him at home and keep him away from everything and keep him 100% safe. Or you can continue to educate people around you.”

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The family opted for the latter and three years ago acquired a peanut-sniffing service dog to accompany Hayden wherever he goes.

View the segment here:

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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