FDA Approves New Voice-Guided Epinephrine Auto-Injector


The FDA has approved a new, voice guided epinephrine auto-injector for emergency use to counter the effects of anaphylaxis.

Sanofi announced approval for the Auvi-Q device in a press release from their Paris headquarters on August 13, 2012. The device is roughly credit card size and fits easily in a pocket or purse. Activating the device by pulling off the cap initiates a voice recording that steps the user through the procedure.

Here is a video provided by Sanofi demonstrating the Auvi-Q’s use:

The step-by-step voice prompts make this device ideal for use by care-givers, teachers, school nurses and babysitters.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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  1. Looks interesting. I’m wondering how long the battery life is available for these? Worth looking into for sure.

  2. We have two for our 2.5yo son. Very convenient to carry around and I feel confident leaving them and my son with relatives knowing they can follow the easy-to-use instructions.
    Their shelf-life is the same as a regular e-pen.

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