A generally happy time of year for most parents is often fraught with anxiety for parents of children with food allergies. Will my child be safe? Will she feel an outcast at the nut-free table? Will they use his auto-injector quickly and correctly if he suffers a reaction? Will the teacher follow the details of his 504 plan?
Here’s a message to all you moms and dads who have prepared by sweating every little detail, like quizzing the allergist, coaching their children, and engaging with the school administration: Take a deep breath, relax with your favorite cup of coffee (or glass of wine!) and know that you’ve done the best for your child. You are your child’s superhero!
While no superhero is infallible, this is not the time to second guess all that you’ve done. Rest assured that there’s always time to reengage with school administration if things aren’t going the way you anticipated.
Did a child show up to your child’s nut-free classroom with a PB&J? Was there a class celebration involving a food that you didn’t approve? Did someone question your child self-carrying an auto-injector when it was agreed prior to the school year? Speak up, and be confident in the knowledge that your fellow FA parents are doing the same, everywhere.
We at SnackSafely.com wish you and yours a happy, uneventful, school year. May your children be safe, may your interactions with the school be drama-free, and may you come to enjoy this time like other parents.
Remember: Keep calm. But never allow them to exclude your child.