Orange or Teal: Bring Both Auto-Injectors Along


You’ve got this. You’ve made all the arrangements so that your child with food allergies can enjoy a fun and inclusive Halloween. Now, don’t forget the most important thing to bring along when trick-or-treating.

Costume? Mask? Pumpkin to hold treats? No… your child’s epinephrine auto-injectors, and you should have two with you everywhere your child goes, every time.

Even if your plan is to trick-or-treat only at your neighbors’ houses where you’ve arranged for non-food treats, keep in mind that your child’s allergens will be smeared everywhere by other little hands. Though the danger from accidental contact is low, don’t take the chance.

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Why two? Just in case one dose is not enough to halt the symptoms of anaphylaxis or in the very unlikely event the first auto-injector malfunctions.

To help you remember, we’ve added the above fun Halloween reminder flyer to our free Take 2 Campaign collection that you can download by clicking here.

Be safe and enjoy, knowing you’ve taken the most important precaution. Because the only things that should be scary on Halloween are the costumes.

2021 Halloween Safe Snack Guide in Peanut/Tree Nut, Sesame, Milk and Gluten-Free Editions!
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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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