What's Wrong With This Picture? Knowing Might Save Someone's Life


You may have seen the above image yesterday leading a popular blog post warning people of an EpiPen recall taking place in Australia. The composition and lighting is wonderful, highlighting the boy’s application of an EpiPen on his thigh. So what’s the problem? Everything.

While we understand the site doesn’t focus on food allergies and the author didn’t know better, it’s important for everyone to understand what they got wrong, lest you apply the device incorrectly in an emergency:

  • An EpiPen should not be administered to the front of the leg; it must be applied to the outside of the upper thigh.
  • The blue cap (“blue to sky, orange to thigh“) must be removed before the EpiPen is applied;
  • You should never hold your thumb on the top of the device; you grasp the shaft of an EpiPen firmly when applying.
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Using an auto-injector incorrectly could result in the failure of the device to function correctly, possibly wasting a critical dose of life-saving medication and causing injury.

Please take a few minutes to refresh your knowledge of how to use your brand of epinephrine auto-injector correctly and take a few minutes more to practice with the trainer:

Mylan’s EpiPen and EpiPen Generic

Note that instructions regarding EpiPen administration were changed – you are now directed to keep the auto-injector in place during administration for 3 seconds rather than the 10 seconds mentioned in the video:

Kaleo’s Auvi-Q

Amneal (formerly Impax, Lineage) Adrenaclick Generic (sold by CVS)

And regardless of the brand, always “Take 2”

Knowing how to operate your brand of auto-injector is imperative, but they can’t help save your life if you don’t have them with you. Always take 2 epinephrine auto-injectors along every where… every time! Download your free set of Take 2 reminder flyers and post them at home, work and the school nurse’s office:

Source: YouTube
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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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  1. Epinephrine in the form of Sub lingual tablets of 40 mgs is equal to 0.5ml IM adrenalin. EPI PEN is available in few countries and become expensive and UN afordable for rest of the countries. Sub lingual epinephrine can replace EPIPEN?


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