Supernanny Fights Back Tears as She Discusses Her Food Allergies: ‘I Do Not See What I Have as a Disability’


Jo Frost, known worldwide from her show Supernanny which airs on the Lifetime channel, is no stranger to life-threatening food allergies; she’s allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, crustacean shellfish, and rye.

In the latest episode of the series, Frost counsels a couple struggling with raising their two children, both of whom have been diagnosed with food allergies.

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In an especially poignant moment, Frost comforts the mom by explaining that food allergies never hindered her own life and don’t have to hinder the lives of her boys either.

Watch the clip — an exclusive to — here:

Find episodes of Supernanny on Lifetime.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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