Back to School with Confidence: ‘The Tolerance Induction Program Has Been a Miracle!’


The start of a new school year can be exciting for children and parents alike. However, for families managing food allergies, it can also bring anxiety and fear. In this article, we’ll explore Devan’s inspiring journey to Food Freedom, where he conquered his food allergies with the help of the Food Allergy Institute’s Tolerance Induction ProgramTM (TIP). Alongside this heartwarming testimonial, we’ll provide essential tips and strategies for a safe and successful back-to-school experience.

Devan’s Journey to Food Freedom

“The TIP program has been a miracle!” revealed Ritu, her eyes gleaming with joy and gratitude as she shared the impact of TIP in their family’s life. “Previously, we had several scary incidents with our son Devan who was anaphylactic to eggs and nuts that required hospitalization and several visits to the ER. We were constantly on edge, fearing the slightest cross-contamination issue that could send us rushing to the hospital.”

“Moreover,” she continued, “his allergies were trending worse versus better, leaving us feeling helpless. But then we discovered the TIP Program, and everything changed. Three years later, Devan is 11 and today he cleared the program. He can freely eat eggs and now all nuts. It’s truly amazing! He has newfound freedom that allows him to attend birthday parties, sleepovers, and school events without worry. Seeing him enjoy life like any other child brings tears of joy to our eyes.”

With a proud smile, she added, “Now, he can graduate from elementary school and enter middle school with a real sense of safety and security. This program has been a true blessing for our family, and we owe it all to the dedicated staff at the Food Allergy Institute. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Over 8,000 Food Allergy Patients achieved Food Freedom with Tolerance Induction Program (TIP)

Devan’s journey is one of the 8,000 and counting food allergy patients who have achieved Food Freedom. This means 8,000 patients who were once severely allergic to a multitude of foods can now eat their allergens in any amount without restriction or fear of reaction. The Food Allergy Institute’s TIP Program boasts a remarkable 99% success rate, empowering countless families like Devan’s to embrace life without the burden of food allergies.

What is TIP?

Top 6 Tips for a Safe and Successful Back-to-School Season


If your child hasn’t enrolled in our TIP program yet or has just started, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for children with food allergies requires proactive planning and open communication with the school. Here are some essential tips to help you prepare for the new school year and ensure a safe and healthy environment for your child.

1 — Prepare and Submit Medical Forms

Before the school year starts, ensure that you have prepared the necessary medical forms that outline your child’s allergens and the required medications in case of an allergic reaction.

2 — Check Emergency Medications

Verify that all emergency medications your child may need at school, such as Epi-Pens/Auvi-Q and Benadryl, are up to date. If you do not have additional medications to keep at school, consult your healthcare provider for refills or additional prescriptions.

3 — Keep Epi-Pens/Auvi-Q as a Two-Pack

Always keep Epi-Pens and Auvi-Q as a two-pack, as the first dose may not always be effective. This ensures that there is a backup in case of a severe allergic reaction.

4 — Collaborate with the School

Coordinate with school nurses, teachers, and administrators to understand the school’s emergency protocols, 504 plan (if applicable), storage of Epi-Pens, allergy-free snack and lunch areas, and guidelines for food sharing during special events.

5 — Educate Your Child

While schools work diligently to maintain a safe environment, it’s crucial to educate your child about food allergies and how to protect themselves. Teach them not to accept foods offered by others, and work with the school to designate a trusted adult who is well-educated on food allergies to support your child throughout the day.

6 — Be Mindful of Non-Food Allergens

Apart from food allergens, be aware of potential non-food allergens in the school environment. This includes environmental allergens like class pets, trees, grasses, and cleaning supplies. Additionally, be cautious about hidden food allergens found in art supplies such as wheat in Play-Doh and finger paint, milk in chalk, egg in tempera paint, coconut in tissues, and soy in crayons.


By following these essential tips, food allergy families can prepare for a safe and successful school year. Open communication with the school and proactive planning will contribute to creating a supportive environment that allows children with food allergies to thrive academically and socially.

Remember, starting early with the TIP Program can make all the difference. Empower your child and set them on a path towards food freedom. Together, let’s make this back-to-school season a time of excitement, growth, and endless possibilities!

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Learn More About TIP from Our Prior Article

This article was sponsored by the Food Allergy Institute.
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