Set Shut Down After Riley Keough Ate Granola Bar Due to Andrew Garfield’s Peanut Allergy


A kiss can be a prelude to tragedy, especially when allergens are involved. Actor Riley Keough found out the hard way through a mishap on set.

Keough told Vanity Fair that while filming the 2018 mystery Under the Silver Lake with Andrew Garfield, her snack led to a production halt:

I was in the makeup trailer and I was eating, like, a granola bar or something, and I was about to shoot a scene where I have to kiss Andrew.

The makeup lady was like, ‘Are there peanuts in that?’ And I was like, ‘I think. I don’t know.’

And then she like, ran away.

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Keough didn’t know that Garfield has a severe peanut allergy. The makeup artist had run off to warn the film’s producer.

The producer came in and was like, ‘Riley, Andrew’s very allergic to peanuts and we have to shut the set down. It shouldn’t have been at craft, and I don’t know why they’re on set.’ I was just kind of like, ‘Oh f___, that’s crazy.’ But also thank God that this woman caught it, because I had no idea!

Here’s an excerpt from Keough’s interview with Vanity Fair:

It’s true: allergen residue from any food can trigger anaphylaxis in an allergic individual, even from something as innocuous as a kiss. Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction to a food, drug, insect venom, or environmental substance and can be triggered by a mere trace of an allergen.

We reported on one such incident in 2020 that left a woman in the ER after a jab from an epinephrine auto-injector.

Have a food allergy? Do you kiss? Allergic Living has a great article entitled “Food Allergies: Hot Tips For Kissing Safely” which we highly recommend.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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