FARE Calls for Boycott of Mars Candy Brands Following “Hungry Skies” Campaign


Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) is calling for a boycott of Mars products after the company launched its “Hungry Skies” ad campaign. The campaign shows stressed, unruly airline passengers settling down after a flight attendant hands out Snickers bars.

As you may know, Snickers contain peanuts which pose an extreme hazard to passengers with peanut allergy as anaphylaxis can prove especially deadly with no access to emergency care.

FARE contacted Mars — maker of such iconic chocolate as Snickers, M&Ms, Three Musketeers, and Skittles — urging them not to launch their campaign. Now that the ad campaign is in progress, FARE is calling for a boycott Mars products with the following video:

We at SnackSafely.com agree that Mars is needlessly promoting yet another danger for allergic travelers and urge our readers to boycott their products.

We also ask that you show your displeasure by engaging with Mars on social media using the hashtag #BoycottSnickers.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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