Dallas Cowboys Defensive Tackle Hospitalized Due to Allergic Reaction


Mazi Smith, defensive tackle for the Dallas Cowboys returned to practice yesterday after being hospitalized on Friday and missing Saturday’s preseason game due to an allergic reaction.

Smith was on the team bus heading to the airport when he began to feel symptoms, possibly from something in the milk he drank. He has an allergy to peanuts.

Said Smith:

Started having a reaction right away, kind of went to the medical staff right away, told them what was going on, told them I know the feeling. I knew what was going on.

He had suffered reactions before, the latest occurring at the 2023 NFL scouting combine.

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I know the ropes when it comes to having an allergic reaction. You can’t panic right off, especially when it’s got something to do with your airwaves. [You] want to make sure you’re breathing and stuff, getting the right treatment.

Smith was sent to the hospital Friday and missed the game against the LA Raiders on Saturday. He will participate in padded practices today and tomorrow.

“Business as usual,” Smith said.

We don’t know the details of whether he administered epinephrine before being transported to the hospital, but we are happy to hear Smith has fully recovered from his ordeal.

We remind our readers that even a 6’2″, 320lb NFL defensive tackle is no match for anaphylaxis. Always take two emergency epinephrine devices along everywhere, every time, and be sure to administer one when you first suspect anaphylaxis.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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