Food Allergy KidVid: “In Their Own Words — Kids Living with Food Allergies” by FARE


Living with a food allergy is especially difficult for kids who may feel isolated and alone because of all the restrictions and precautions a diagnosis brings.

This is especially true for school-age children who feel pressure to “fit in” in circumstances that might not be particularly accommodating, like classroom snack time, birthday parties, and celebrations.

Here’s a video we like for younger children called “In Their Own Words — Kids Living with Food Allergies” by Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE). In this four-minute presentation, kids talk about their reactions, restrictions, anxieties, self-advocating, OIT, and other topics:

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We think it’s a great resource for your young child with food allergies as well as their family, friends, and classmates. Please screen it first, then consider sharing it with your child and those that your child often comes in contact with.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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