We’re pleased to announce the latest update to the Safe Snack Guide and our Allergence product screening service.
The Safe Snack Guide is a catalog of over 1000 foods, all free of peanuts and tree nuts with hundreds free of the Top 8 allergens. The Guide is used by thousands of schools and tens of thousands of parents nationwide to help keep allergens out of the classroom and the home.
Allergence is our interactive service that shows you precisely how these products are manufactured with respect to the 11 allergens we track: the Top 8 (peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, fish, crustacean shellfish) as well as sesame, mustardvandvgluten. All allergen information is provided directly by our partner manufacturers, never from the label.
Aside from many new product additions from our existing partners, we’re happy to announce the reintroduction of products from a long-time member of our Manufacturer Partnership.

We also say goodbye to Back to Nature Foods who have withdrawn their products from consideration.
Please discard your current copy of the Guide and download the latest revision:
Once again, we thank our readers and subscribers for their diligence and feedback which helps us keep the Safe Snack Guide up-to-date between product surveys. If you have not subscribed to our mailing list for updates and product advisories, we suggest you do so by completing the following form: