Update: Zeneo, the Needle-Free Auto-Injector (with Videos)


Last week we looked at positive developments regarding a device by Bryn Pharma that delivers emergency epinephrine via nasal spray. Today we update you on the progress of Zeneo, an auto-injector being developed that delivers emergency epinephrine without a needle.

As we reported back in October, Zeneo is a platform intended to deliver a range of therapeutics as well as epinephrine in an anaphylactic emergency. It works by injecting the drug at a sufficiently high speed so that it is able to penetrate the skin and reach the target depth, which in the case of epinephrine is the muscle.

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Since we last reported, Crossject, the company developing Zeneo, announced that they had reformulated their epinephrine product to remove sulfites and make it more shelf-stable.

Said Patrick Alexandre, Chairman of the Crossject Management Board:

We are very satisfied with the developments in ZENEO® Adrenaline, one of our priority emergency products. The medicinal formula, innovative by the absence of allergenic components and by very good stability results, give  ZENEO® Adrenaline a notable advantage which confirms our strategy of development of this drug.

Crossject also announced they had begun working with the US Department of Defense to adapt Zeneo for delivery of midazolam, a drug used as an anesthesia. The partnership indicates the US military’s interest in Zeneo as a potential platform for drug administration, presumably on the battlefield.

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Here is a video about the Zeneo platform. This video is not specific to their epinephrine offering, so it shows users administering the device on the body where the administration of epinephrine is not intended:

Here is another showing a scenario where epinephrine is administered via Zeneo to a woman suffering an anaphylactic reaction in a cafe. This video shows administration via Zeneo through clothing, much like traditional auto-injectors that rely on needles:

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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