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Offer ends October 31, 2020 so order now… click here!

Free from peanuts, tree nuts and many other top allergens:

How does ALL NATURAL WOWBUTTER compare to a typical Peanut Butter?
WOWBUTTER has over 80% better quality (more bioavailable and digestible) protein than peanut butter when comparing independent lab test results of protein digestibility corrected amino acids scores (PDCAA
Protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) is the accepted method adopted by the US FDA and World Health Organization in 1993 for evaluating the quality of a protein based on both the amino acid requirements of humans and their ability to digest it. Independent lab tests have confirmed that peanut butter has a 49.4% PDCAAS score while WOWBUTTER has a significantly better 89.2% PDCAAS score out of 100%!
Learn more about WOWBUTTER in this video with Scott Mahon, President:
Benefits of choosing a better digestible plant protein source:
Save your hard earned money and get more nutrition for less: Because WOWBUTTER is a high quality and more bioavailable complete plant protein, the actual nutritional monetary cost is therefore far less than that of lower quality and significantly less bioavailable incomplete protein of peanut butter, nut butters, seed butters and most other spreads.
Eat Less: Of the 3 macro nutrients protein, carbohydrates and fats, protein is considered by many to be the most filling and often facilitates in eating less as a result of a reduced appetite.
Maintain and build muscle better: Good High Quality better digestible protein is best for maintaining and building healthy strong muscles. The protein in WOWBUTTER contains all 9 essential amino acids (with a high PDCAAS score) comparable to animal protein. Many other plant based proteins such as peanuts, almonds and sunflower seeds have poor PDCAAS scores and poor comparable digestibility to WOWBUTTER.
Boosts Metabolism and Increases Fat Burning: The thermic effect on the body during digestion uses energy. Protein digestion requires a much higher thermal effect than carbohydrates and fats resulting in an increased metabolism and fat burning.
Taste and Texture
WOWBUTTER is a multiple award winning spread with a taste and texture as good or better than peanut butter!
But don’t take our word for it, visit our testimonials page to see what other have to say or watch blind taste test comparisons between peanut butter and WOWBUTTER on youtube:
Nutrition & Health Benefits
WOWBUTTER is a complete plant protein source!
Our WOWBUTTER is actually more nutritious than peanut butter as it is a COMPLETE plant protein food, containing all 9 essential amino acids, just as do eggs, dairy and meat. Peanuts are NOT considered a complete protein food because they only have 6 of 9 essential amino acids.
WOWBUTTER is a good source of Immune Boosting OMEGA-3 essential fatty acids!
Soy Naturally contains Omega-3 (ALA): One 32g serving of WOWBUTTER provides 1000mg of this healthy immune boosting essential oil (for comparison, regular PB has zero and almond butter has very little). Everyone can use an immunity boost to help protect against viruses and the flu.
Unlike traditional mainstream peanut butters, WOWBUTTER doesn’t contain any Hydrogenated oils which have been linked to numberous health problems. Our WOWBUTTER is ALL NATURAL, NON-GMO and NO STIR (under normal conditions, the oil does not separate like other natural spreads)! Our ALL NATURAL NON-GMO ingredients are as follows: Whole Toasted Soy, Pressed Soy Oil, Cane Sugar, Palm Oil (Sustainable), Sea Salt.
Food Safety & Quality
Peanuts have much higher statistical probability of micro contaminants since they are grown underground and then left on top of the ground to dry. Whether the peanuts are grown organically or not, they are exposed to all types of soil contaminants, as well as manure from domestic animals used as fertilizers, feces from animals in nature, residue of dead animals in nature, bird droppings, and you name it. Because the peanuts often come out of the ground high in moisture, they are susceptible to AFLATOXIN mold, a mold very prominent in peanut crops. Often the crop must be blended or destroyed as a result, since aflatoxin can kill both animals and people
Soybeans on the other hand, are grown and dried high above ground and have substantially less chance of potential contamination (including aflatoxin) all the way from growing, harvesting, and through the entire production process, including the packaging of WOWBUTTER going into the sealed jar. The soybeans are toasted longer at temperatures higher than that used to roast peanuts and well above the 165°F temperatures that are lethal to bacteria, then heated a second time in the final grinding process, again above the 165°F temperatures.
The final grinding and heating step in the WOWBUTTER production process is done in a completely closed loop OXYGEN-Free system that fills directly into the jar ready for consumption. The result is a great fresh smell and taste, along with superior food safety quality, free of micro-contaminants such as bacteria’s (ecoli, salmonella, listeria) and mold as well as Aflatoxin.
For your FOOD SAFETY confidence we have a strict food safety program that meets the highest requirements of all international food safety programs. We have 100% complete control over all aspects of production from “FIELD TO TABLE” so you will NEVER have to worry about the salmonella and other bacteria problems that have so often afflicted peanut butter.