IgE Allergy Test for Top 9 Food Allergens Now Available for At-Home and Clinic Use


AllerSmart IgE, a company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, has announced availability of an IgE-based allergy test that screens for the US “Top 9” allergens — peanuts, tree nuts (specified as “Western Nuts”), milk, eggs, soy, wheat, fish, crustacean shellfish and sesame — as well as 29 common environmental allergens including grasses, dust mite, trees, weeds, cat, dog and molds.

The test, purchased directly online by individuals and medical clinics, includes everything needed to collect a small blood sample and return it to the lab for analysis.

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Three to five days after receiving the sample, the results are emailed along with a comprehensive report outlining the treatment options and additional tests for discussion with a healthcare provider. Results can also be directed to a doctor for follow-up. Customers are encouraged to check with their health plan provider as most cover IgE allergy testing.

IgE tests are not to be confused with the at-home IgG tests that currently proliferate the market and are of dubious value.

Said Allersmart CEO Daniel Sharp:

Old school IgG testing that often lead to dangerous false-positive results and malnutrition are becoming a thing of the past and panned by the World Allergy Organization and Colleges of Allergy around the world. Our test focuses on the IgE antibody, indicating true allergy.

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Said Dr David Lee Scott Jr, PhD Microbiology who has spent decades refining the technology:

We provide peace of mind and enable parents and individuals by providing fast, accurate, critical information. They can then share results in partnership with their health care provider to complete a diagnosis, treatment and safety plan. Education and awareness is vital, there are currently countless numbers of people wandering around today who had IgG tests thinking they have a food allergy when they very well may not.

More information is available from allersmart.com.

Note: SnackSafely.com is not affiliated with AllerSmart IgE nor should our coverage be construed as an endorsement for their services.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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