Food Allergy Prevention QuickFire Challenge: Up to $150,000 in Grant Funding But Time is Running Out


Johnson & Johnson Innovation and the Healthy Baby Initiative within Janssen Research & Development’s World Without Disease Accelerator (WWDA), together with the Food Allergy Fund, have launched the Food Allergy Prevention QuickFire Challenge. Innovators are invited to submit novel methods, products, or technologies with the potential to prevent children from developing food allergy in the early years of their life.

The innovator(s) with the best novel methods, products, or technologies can receive grant funding from a total pool of $150,000, access to the global Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS network, and mentorship from experts across the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies.

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Submissions should aim to address one or more of the following focus areas:

  • Risk detection including connected devices for both point-of-care and at-home prognostics/diagnostics.
  • Interventions & treatments including preventive therapeutics and health technologies
  • Community platforms with the potential to establish connectivity, monitor data, educate the public with a specific focus on socio-economic disparities, and assist communities

Potential solutions will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers and judges on their ability to meet the following criteria:

  • Novelty
  • Potential impact on human health, with a specific focus on demonstrating equitable access to care
  • Feasibility of the idea
  • Thoroughness of the approach
  • Identification of key resources and a plan to further the idea including perceived commercialization potential
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All applicants will have the option to submit a brief, vibrant video about their potential solution.

But the deadline for applicants is coming up soon on February 18, 2022, with announcements to be made at the Food Allergy Fund Spring Summit in May 2022.

Click here to learn more about the Challenge, submit your application, and sign up for the newsletter.

Source: Food Allergy Prevention QuickFire Challenge — J&J Innovation
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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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