From 25 Severe Food Allergies to Eating Freely: Jahan’s Incredible Story


Over 86% of children with food allergies manage multiple food allergies*, ranging from mild to anaphylactic reactions. Living with these numerous allergies poses an ongoing challenge, affecting not only physical well-being but overall quality of life for many families. The constant worry about accidental exposure and the need for continuous vigilance can be emotionally draining for children with food allergies and their parents.

Fortunately, leading the exhaustive and sometimes dangerous path of avoidance is no longer the only option. Through the Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) offered at Food Allergy Institute, over 8,000 patients are in remission, including many with multiple or severe food allergies. Read Jahan’s inspiring journey to learn how he triumphed over 25 food allergies through TIP.

What is the Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP)?

TIP is a safe and effective food allergy treatment that helps children and young adults overcome their severe food allergies. TIP uses highly customized plans, supervised in-office visits, and regulated at-home dosing to help patients achieve Food Freedom – the ability to eat whatever they want, whenever they want, without the fear of reaction with a 99% success rate for those who complete the program.

How does TIP work?

Using extensive patient data, the Food Allergy Institute creates safe treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique immune system. TIP is not an exposure therapy. Rather, patients build a tolerance to their allergens through the escalation of food proteins similar in structure to their allergens (biosimilar proteins). This means patients can safely desensitize their immune system before they ever begin dosing their allergens!

Watch as our founder, Dr. Randhawa, explains how TIP is revolutionizing the treatment of food allergies:

Is TIP the solution you’ve been seeking?

Avoidance is often seen as the primary way to manage food allergies, but it cannot entirely prevent allergen cross-contamination and accidental allergen ingestion. In fact, avoidance more commonly leads to anaphylactic reactions and emergency room visits.

TIP is the only treatment that offers a unique approach, promising a lifetime free from constant food label reading, special social accommodations, and food-related anxiety.

How does TIP treat multiple food allergies?

Many TIP patients contend with allergies to multiple foods. Some, like Jahan, have successfully navigated treatments for as many as 20+ allergens. The process is straightforward: we systematically address one allergy at a time within a personalized program, adjusting dosages for each patient. Once we establish tolerance to an allergen, we transition to the next one, building tolerance to each allergen and ultimately achieving Food Freedom.

Dr. Randhawa and Jahan (then)

Jahan’s inspiring triumph: Conquering 25 food allergies with TIP

Jahan’s mother shares how multiple food allergies can impact a family’s life. However, she never gave up on her goal to achieve Food Freedom for her son and proudly accompanied him on his journey to triumph over 25 food allergies:

Commencing this journey with a staggering 25 food allergies, along with sensitivities to various animals and pollen, was an intimidating prospect. However, hope began to take root after meeting Dr. Randhawa. Over the course of five years, 170k+ miles flown, and 33 appointments, we experienced the joy of systematically crossing off allergenic foods from our ‘danger’ list.

Allergens crossed off Jahan’s list thanks to TIP

Reflecting on those early days, she recalls the profound impact of her son’s condition:

Jahan embarked on his five-year TIP journey as a hesitant, unwell, and allergic three-and-a-half-year-old. Our family began this journey with desperation but maintained hope that kept us moving forward. Dr. Randhawa fueled our optimism, transforming what used to keep us up at night into a world of positive possibilities.

The transformation in her son’s overall health became evident:

Jahan responded well to treatment, gaining 50% of his body weight and growing four inches in height, bringing him back onto the growth curve. He began clearing foods, attained radiant skin, and said goodbye to his asthma symptoms. In the end, we conquered 24 food allergies and allergies to pollen and pet dander, even welcoming a pet dog into our lives.

The 25th challenge, wheat, proved to be a formidable adversary from the start. The clinic remained steadfast in their support, even when progress temporarily stalled. Eventually, Jahan’s immune system triumphed, and today he is a confident, happy, and healthy eight-and-a-half-year-old with limitless possibilities.

Jahan (now)

Now, Jahan lives like other kids his age, carefree and excited for what the future holds:

Now, kids’ night out, sports game snacks, vacations, restaurant outings, sleepovers, and birthday parties hold an entirely different meaning. As parents, we often say we’ll do anything for our children, and sometimes that means dedicating years to invest in their health and future.


Jahan Patel’s journey of overcoming 25 food allergies with TIP demonstrates how life-changing this treatment can be. TIP provides a remarkable solution with a 99% success rate for those dealing with multiple food allergies, offering the hope of lasting freedom from constant label-checking and social anxiety. With the unwavering support of his family and the expertise of the Food Allergy Institute, Jahan’s transformation from a cautious, vulnerable child to a thriving, allergy-free eight-year-old illustrates the impact of determination and cutting-edge treatment.

Are you ready to get started, or do you have questions? Schedule your free virtual consultation now!

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About the Food Allergy Institute (FAI)

Founded in 2015 by Inderpal Randhawa, MD, the Food Allergy Institute is a cutting-edge clinical care and research center that is revolutionizing food allergy treatment. Built on over a decade of diagnostic data collected, the Food Allergy Institute’s Tolerance Induction Program (TIP) is a specialized treatment program designed to help children with food allergies achieve “Food Freedom” — the ability to eat whatever they want, whenever they want, in unlimited quantities and without fear of reaction. Food Allergy Institute currently has locations in California at Long Beach and San Diego.

*Source: Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)

This article was sponsored by the Food Allergy Institute.
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