Print This One Page Primer: What You Need to Know About US Allergen Labeling


Think you know everything there is to know about allergen labeling in the US? We’ve summarized some essential facts in a single, east-to-read graphic with an example for you to download, print, and hang on your fridge.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for setting regulations regarding the labeling of packaged foods. Under FALCPA — the Food Allergy Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 — manufacturers are required to label for specific allergens, but the regulations established under the legislation are skewed to favor manufacturers over consumers concerned with food allergies.

If you don’t have a complete understanding of the labeling guidelines, you may be putting yourself or family members with food allergies at risk.

Here’s our graphic explaining what to look for and why relying on the product label alone won’t keep you safe from your allergens of concern:

Click here to download a PDF copy you can print at home and share with family, friends, and your child’s teacher.

Be sure to see our related article, Four Changes the FDA Must Adopt to Make Ingredient Labeling Safer for the Allergic Community:

These Four Changes Would Make Food Labeling MUCH Safer for the Allergic Community

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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