Girl with Severe Peanut Allergy Assaulted with Peanut Butter, Transported to Hospital


A youth in Hamilton, Ontario, has been charged with assault causing bodily harm and other charges after slapping a girl with a severe peanut allergy in the face with peanut butter. The assault took place at Sherwood Secondary School, a local high school.

Police confirmed both the victim and her alleged attacker are minors but did not indicate whether they were students at the school.

Stated the local police in a press release:

Hamilton Police Service received a report of an assault on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, that took place at Sherwood Secondary School.

During the incident the victim had her face slapped by a hand covered in peanut butter before the suspect fled the school. The victim is severely allergic to peanut butter and used her epi-pen but still suffered an allergic reaction and was transported to hospital.

The suspect was subsequently arrested and released on an undertaking,” the police said, referring to a promise to appear in court. “The individual has been charged with assault cause bodily harm, criminal harassment, (and) administering a noxious substance with intent to endanger life or cause bodily harm.

We are relieved the victim had her epinephrine auto-injector on hand and did not hesitate to administer it and follow up with a trip to the ER.

Although we don’t know the precise details, we might have been reporting this as a tragedy had she not had her epinephrine with her.

Though no one expects to be slapped in the face with their allergen, the incident shows that the most unexpected things can happen and do.

We urge EVERYONE who has been prescribed epinephrine, always take two auto-injectors along everywhere, every time, and be sure to administer the first when you first suspect anaphylaxis. If symptoms do not subside after a few minutes, administer the second while awaiting emergency services.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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