$17K Allergy Service Dog Can't Identify Peanuts


CBS4 Denver reportsĀ the Colorado Attorney General’s Office is investigating a number of claims that service dogs sold by a local company wereĀ not adequately trained to perform their duties.

In 2014, CBS4 reported on a number of families who had purchased allergen sniffing service dogs fromĀ Angel Service Dogs of Colorado Springs andĀ later claimed theĀ dogs they received were in fact untrained. On Monday, anotherĀ family cameĀ forward claiming they spent $17,000 on a service dog that was supposed to detect peanuts but that he couldn’t identify them in a grocery store.

A video taken by a former trainer for Angel Service Dogs clearly shows the dog wandering past bins of nuts without pausing and failing to warn his owner after directly sniffing a bag of peanuts:

Four months ago, theĀ owner took the dog back to Angel Service Dogs demanding a refund.

An attorney for the company told CBS4Ā that the family failed to follow directions after receiving the dog and claimed the dog had been placed with another family who was using himĀ successfully.

Meanwhile, the owner is still waiting for herĀ $17,000 refund.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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