We’re happy to announce this update to our extensive catalog of allergy-friendly foods used by thousands of schools and tens of thousands of parents nationwide to help keep allergens out of the classroom and the home. All are peanut and tree nut free with many free of the Top 8 allergens (peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, fish and crustacean shellfish.)
We’ve added a number of new products to the Safe Snack Guide and our Allergence product screening service from two new members of our Manufacturer Partnership. Please welcome:
Safely Delicious makes sweet, delicious, allergy-friendly snacks that have absolutely no gluten, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, soy or egg and are made in a dedicated commercial facility free of these allergens.
The Greater Knead was all about recreating an authentic New York Style bagel to be gluten-free, but their products are also free from wheat, soy, dairy, egg, peanut, tree nut, fish, shellfish, sesame, mustard, celery, sulfites, lupin and oats!
To accommodate The Greater Knead’s products, we’ve added a new Bread, Bagels and Rolls category to both the Guide and Allergence.
We also have two formulation changes to announce. Goetze’s has replaced the hydrogenated oils in their candies with Highly Refined Coconut Oil. Though HRCO is not considered a tree nut by the FDA, we have changed the symbol in the Guide to indicate its presence.
Happy Families, now a unit of Danone, has changed the way they package their Happy Bellies cereals. Though the products are still manufactured in a facility that does not process sesame, they are co-packed in a facility that does process sesame on lines that do not process the allergen. Since we consider a co-packing facility to be an extension of the manufacturing facility, these products now are marked “PROCESSED in FACILITY” for sesame in Allergence.
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