Woman Searches for Good Samaritan Who Saved Her Life During Anaphylactic Reaction


A woman is searching for the good samaritan who saved her life on the side of a road in Northumberland, England.

39-year-old Beth Slattery suffered an anaphylactic reaction while traveling home from dinner after dropping off her daughter and mother at her mother’s house.

Here’s her story:

I’d been out for food with my mam and daughter on Monday night. I’m allergic to squid and seafood, and it somehow got in my food.

I got as far as the Whitley Bay caravan park and I could feel my throat closing up. I was struggling to breathe and I didn’t know if I could make it home. When I got to Seaton Sluice it was getting really scary. I thought I was going to die.

I tried to phone my partner but I got no signal, tried to phone 999 and got no signal. I managed to stab myself with my EpiPen but it had no effect. Then I saw a woman walking her dog so I started beeping at her.

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Ms Slattery quickly pulled over to the side of the road.

I waved my EpiPen at her because I couldn’t speak, and she knew what I meant. She phoned the ambulance. They were obviously asking my name and age but I couldn’t speak so she got my passport out of my bag and read my details from there.

She stayed with me and was talking to me to keep me calm. She even moved my car for me and gave the keys to the paramedics.

EMT’s arrived on the scene and administered three epinephrine injections in the ambulance. Ms Slattery was taken to a nearby hospital where she was monitored for six hours and released.

Said Ms Slattery:

I would love to thank her properly. I’m in no doubt that I would have died if it wasn’t for her.

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We’re happy Ms Slattery is fine and that she was carrying epinephrine at the time of her reaction as it may have saved her life despite her belief that it had no effect. We also applaud the efforts of the woman who helped her and hope she comes forward to be recognized.

This story could very well have had a tragic ending had Ms Slattery not had her epinephrine with her. Her story also highlights the need to always take 2 epinephrine auto-injectors along as the first dose may not be sufficient to stop the progression of anaphylaxis.

Allergic individuals must be especially vigilant when dining at a restaurant where their allergens of concern are served. Please be sure to discuss your allergies with the management prior and go elsewhere if you are not confident your allergies can be safely accommodated.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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