Real Housewife Kyle Richards Hospitalized for Bee Stings, Says EpiPen was Defective


Kyle Richards, star of the reality show Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, had a nasty encounter with her neighbors this weekend, this time a nest of angry bees. Richards is allergic to bee venom and carries an epinephrine auto-injector.

Here she narrates a video from her home surveillance camera posted to Instagram on Sunday:

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Richards discovers the hive at her home and simultaneously triggers the bees into attacking. She runs around the property trying to swat the bees from her hair as she’s being stung before jumping in the pool.

Said Richards:

I can laugh at this video now but what you can’t see is that they were in my hair and were literally chasing me. My family wasn’t home and for whatever reason, the people that work for me couldn’t hear me screaming for help.

My landline wouldn’t dial 911 and my EpiPen was defective and wouldn’t open.

Kyle Richards

Richards later thanked responders from the Los Angeles Fire Department for answering her call, transporting her to the hospital, and following up to check on her.

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She said:

I share this story with you because I sometimes don’t bother to take my epi pen with me.

I also don’t know why I couldn’t get mine to work. It’s important to look on YouTube and watch the videos of how to use it. There are different types of epi pens and they each work differently. But also always call 911 even if you are able to use your epi pen as they have to use other medications to help breathing etc.

Actually, the main reason for visiting the hospital after an an anaphylactic episode even after feeling better is because a second biphasic reaction that could happen hours later is not uncommon.

Our best wishes to Ms Richards who is expected to make a complete recovery.

For a refresher on how to operate your brand of epinephrine auto-injector, see Know Your Epinephrine Auto-Injector Options and How to Use Your Device.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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