In a step toward helping protect motorists with severe medical conditions should they be rendered unconscious, the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles is providing an option to add a “Star of Life” symbol to the front of driver’s licenses and state ID cards.

The symbol — a blue six-pointed asterisk featuring a serpent and staff — is associated with emergency medical response nationwide. When added to a license or ID card, the symbol is accompanied by special codes to help law enforcement and first responders recognize medical conditions the holder may have requiring extra care.
To obtain the symbol, motorists must present a completed DMV form signed by a physician. Aside from food allergies, eligible conditions include vision impairment, chronic obstruction pulmonary disease, autism, deafness, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia, schizophrenia, mental illness, and others. There is no requirement to list the conditions themselves on the card, preserving confidentiality.
This change resulted from Senate Bill 362 and Assembly Bill 161 of the 82nd Session of the Nevada Legislature.
We at applaud the Nevada DMV’s efforts and urge all states to adopt similar measures that will help identify individuals with severe medical conditions should they be unable to advocate for themselves.
Does your state offer such a symbol on their IDs or do you wish they did? Let us know in the comments section.