Editorial: Exploiting Food Allergies for Profit


Not to be outdone by the sheer tone-deafness of Uber Eats — whose Super Bowl commercial needed to be edited at the last moment before it aired — the dolts behind this product have decided to go all in on deriding the food allergy community in their quest for profits.

By promoting their Epi Pen Peanut Butter Ale, the company made a conscious decision to leverage the consternation generated by the Uber Eats fiasco to generate buzz for their product. Every can they sell is a poke in the eye to every food allergy sufferer.

As such, we refuse to aid them in their quest by publicizing the company’s name and we advise other outlets likewise to omit it from their reporting. That said, we urge you to use this link to tell them what you think of their ploy in a discreet, direct manner that will not generate publicity for them.

We also call on Mylan/Viatris, marketers of the EpiPen epinephrine auto-injector, to step up for the food allergy community — one they have profited tremendously from over the years by employing abhorrent business practices themselves — to protect their trademark and ensure it is not ever used in this manner.

Every time food allergies are mocked in the commercial world, the dangers of the disease are minimized in the eyes of the general public. This must end.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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