Epinephrine Access, Legislation, and Solutions on Display at Allergy Awareness Day


Belay and Allergy Advocates New York support legislators and the food allergy community through innovative products and services

Belay, a leading healthcare company in the food allergy space, teamed with Allergy Advocates New York (AANY) yesterday for Food Allergy Awareness Day at the New York State Capital. Focusing on the critical issue of epinephrine access in public places, AANY rallied their advocates in support of epinephrine-focused legislation while Belay previewed their patented MedLocker® solution for epinephrine access.

Over 50 million people in the United States live every day managing potentially life-threatening allergies. Currently, epinephrine is the ONLY medication available in the event of an anaphylactic (severe allergic reaction) emergency; however, lack of public availability to this life-saving medication and the critical need for easily accessible epinephrine in public spaces remain a concern.

Two specific pieces of legislation now under consideration in the NY legislature speak directly to epinephrine public access issues. S1078A/A2885 requires the trained use and availability of epinephrine in places of public assembly; and A4909A provides public access to epinephrine auto-injector devices at school. Both bills are supported by AANY, Belay (a New York based company), and the more than 2 million New Yorkers who suffer from life-threatening food allergies.

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Belay’s preview of its new MedLocker® technology during the food allergy awareness event is an extremely timely solution to the problem of epinephrine access and security. MedLocker® is a patented “smart” base station designed to securely house epinephrine and other emergency medications in a wall-mountable unit. MedLocker® features patented security features that make emergency medications readily accessible, easy-to-use and safe for the general public.

“We know that allergies can be life-threatening and that 2 children in every classroom are estimated to have a life-threatening food allergy,” said Belay Co-Founder and CEO, Abby Herzig. “Since many of these severe reactions occur in schools, daycares, and other public places, public access to epinephrine is critically important to save lives.”

“Allergy Advocates New York is proud to support these critically important pieces of legislation that require and enhance safe public access to epinephrine,” said Executive Director, Toni Taylor. “We are also grateful to companies like Belay who work tirelessly to provide solutions like MedLocker® to the emergency medicine crisis.”

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Belay and AANY wish to thank the following NY State Legislature Senate and Assembly Member bill co-sponsors for their unfailing commitment to the people of New York and unwavering support of those affected by life-threatening allergies.


  • Senator Andrew Gounardes (Sponsor)
  • Senator Jabari Brisport
  • Senator Samra G. Brouk
  • Senator Nathalia Fernandez
  • Senator Lea Webb
  • Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal (Sponsor)
  • Assembly Member William Colton
  • Assembly Member Nader Sayegh


  • Assembly Member Nader Sayegh (Sponsor)
  • Assembly Member Chris Burdick
  • Assembly Member Scott H. Bendett
  • Senator Iwen Chu

To read the proposed legislation in its entirety, click here for S1078A/A2885 and click here for A4909A/S8482.

For more information on Belay and the MedLocker® go to: www.webelay.com

For more information about Allergy Advocates New York and epinephrine and allergy issues, go to: www.allergyadvocatesny.org

CONTACT: media@webelay.com

About Belay:

Belay was founded to help families, daycares, and schools manage life-threatening food allergies through products and services that protect the health and safety of children in the event of a severe allergic reaction. Belay is committed to expanding the availability of its proprietary offerings to all public settings, ensuring universal access to life-saving technology and services in anaphylactic and other medical emergencies. For more information on Belay and the MedLocker® go to: www.webelay.com.

About AANY:

Allergy Advocates New York is an association dedicated to helping in the prevention of anaphylaxis with training, legislation passage and implementation. Our mission is to help inform, educate and raise awareness of the public at large and at-risk individuals to allergies and anaphylaxis. For more information about Allergy Advocates New York and epinephrine and allergy issues, go to: www.allergyadvocatesny.org.

Source: Belay Press Release received via email.

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