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Open Letter: Why Your Child Can't Bring Peanut Butter to School (and What You...
A non-confrontational letter explaining the need for allergen restrictions in school.
BoxLunch Issues Statement Regarding Anaphylactic Death of Influencer Dominique Brown
Company is investigating the tragedy internally.
News of Two More Anaphylactic Tragedies Show Complacency in the Food Allergy Community is...
Our overriding message is a simple one: COMPLACENCY IS DEADLY
Alison Pickering’s Death After Menu Change a Call for Extra Vigilance
"She would repeatedly go to the same restaurants and order the same dishes."
Study: No Evidence for Belief That Nut Allergens Spread Through Aircraft Ventilation Systems
Surface residues pose main risk,but allergic reactions to food 10–100 times less common during flights than on the ground.
Soccer Midfielder Back to Playing After Collapsing from Anaphylaxis in Front of Teammates
Sylla has fully recovered and is back to playing for his team.
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We answer your most asked questions.
Makers of Vegan Tiramisu That Killed Anna Bellisario Get Slap on the Wrist for...
The Italian courts have set a price of 10,000 euros as the punishment for manslaughter.
Two MUST SIGN Petitions to Pressure Action on Behalf of the Food Allergy Community
Please sign and share with family, friends, and colleagues.