Didn’t Win Our Food Allergy Awareness Week Giveaway? Here’s What To Do!


Alas, Food Allergy Awareness Week has ended, and with it our giveaway.

If you didn’t win one of the fourteen epinephrine carriers provided by our friends at Allergy Apparel, don’t fret — visit their website and use code SAFE20 for a 20% discount off their list prices. But this offer will only last for 30 days, so take advantage now!

With many functional and stylish options to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find a carrier that works for your brand of auto-injector and any other meds you might carry.

Thanks for participating in our giveaway to help commemorate the importance of spreading awareness of food allergies! And please, please, please remember: Take two epinephrine auto-injectors with you everywhere, every time!

Rosie Reminds You To Take 2 for #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek
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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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