A Conversation About Sublingual Epinephrine


You feel the telltale signs of a severe reaction coming on, so you reach into your pants pocket or purse, pull out a foil packet, remove a small postage stamp-like film, and place it under your tongue. Very quickly, life-saving epinephrine enters your bloodstream and counters the effect of anaphylaxis.

What sounded like science fiction just a few years ago is about to become a reality.

Aquestive Therapeutics, the company behind Anaphylm™ — a needle-free emergency epinephrine alternative to auto-injectors — is working on such a solution and is on schedule to submit their candidate for FDA approval sooner rather than later.

Dave Bloom, CEO of SnackSafely.com, interviews Dan Barber, CEO of Aquestive, to learn more about Anaphylm, including how it works, how it’s administered, how it fares in terms of exposure to heat and cold, and the timeline for introduction to the marketplace.

Watch their conversation here:

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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