Dillon’s Law Allowing Carry and Administration of Epinephrine Signed


Three years after his death due to anaphylaxis caused by a bee sting, Dillon Mueller was remembered last week at a signing of legislation in his honor in his high school gym in Mishicot High School.

“Dillon’s Law”, sponsored by Representatives Andre Jacque and Luther Olsen and championed by Dillon’s parents Angel and George Mueller, allows trained individuals to acquire and maintain a supply of epinephrine auto-injectors and provide or administer such epinephrine to a person the individual believes is experiencing anaphylaxis.

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Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed the legislation into law at a ceremony in the same high school gym where Dillon’s wake was held three years earlier.

“I think this is a very common-sense addition to state law to remove one more barrier imposed by government to keeping people from administering a lifesaving response,” said Rep Jacque.

Angel and George Mueller at Signing Ceremony
Angel and George Mueller at Signing Ceremony

“Dillon taught all of us that we are not guaranteed a tomorrow,” Angel said. “Three years, three very short years that feel like a million to us, have brought about emotions that have ranged from highest of mountains to the lowest of valleys and everything in between.”

Angel ended her speech at the ceremony with a poem she wrote about Dillon and Dillon’s Law: “Longing, loneliness, grief and despair, like driving forces to get me there. In three short years, I’ve reached my goal, for epinephrine availability to save more souls.”

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of SnackSafely.com.

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