Plane with Bethenny Aboard Turns Back Because of Her Allergy to Fish Which Was To Be Served


For the second time in less than a month, media personality and entrepreneur Bethenny Frankel is in the news due to her fish allergy.

Readers will recall that Ms Frankel had a close call, having lost consciousness due to an anaphylactic reaction to fish. Quick thinking by her boyfriend, who called 911, saved her life.

Yesterday, the Real Housewives star tweeted her account of the plane incident:

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Responding to a reader question, she tweeted the following clarification:

She chose not to disclose the airline, but continued with a response to another reader:

Later, Ms Frankel responded to the news of the passing of Camron Jean-Pierre, the 11 year old Brooklyn boy who apparently died of anaphylaxis from the smell of cooking fish: “This is bringing me to tears. When it’s happening, you know you’re dying. Poor baby,” she posted on Instagram.

Sources: Twitter and Instagram
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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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