Must See: Robyn O'Brien Interview on Fox Business


Robyn O’Brien appeared on Fox Business to discuss Big Pharma and CVS’s decision to market the generic version of Adrenaclick nationally. As we’ve come to expect, Robyn hits another one out of the park.

Although the interviewer casts the decision as one somehow resulting from Donald Trump’s election and current efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”), CVS’s efforts to address the skyrocketing cost of epinephrine auto-injectors actually started long before the election.

Here’s Robyn’s interview in it’s entirety:

Note: We at wholeheartedly support the ACA and do not support efforts to “Repeal and Replace”. We do support efforts to enhance the act or replace it with a program that provides all the benefits of the ACA and expands its reach to more Americans.

Because of her unwavering advocacy for the food allergy community, we jokingly refer to Erin Brockovich as the “Robyn O’Brien of Environmental Issues.” Our apologies to Ms Brockovich.

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Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom
Dave Bloom is CEO and "Blogger in Chief" of

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