Voyage Foods Peanut-Free Spread Makes Back-to-School Delicious and Easy – For Everyone (Sponsored)


Back-to-school season is in full swing, a time marked by busy schedules filled with packed lunches, after-school snacks, and bake sales. With so much going on for students, parents, and school administrators alike, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not kids can take part in those classic school experiences. With Voyage’s Peanut-Free Spread, you can bring delicious, creamy goodness back to lunchtime, snack time, and everything in between.

Free from the Top 9 food allergens, Voyage’s roasted seed spread provides the taste and texture we all know and love of traditional peanut butter, just without the nuts. That means PB&Js at the cafeteria lunch table, peanut butter cookies at birthday parties, and worry-free classroom snacks.

For students, eating lunch with friends is one of the most memorable experiences of the school year. With Voyage’s nut-free spread, every kid can take part in a delicious and worry-free lunch with their fellow classmates. And with a rich, nutty flavor and smooth, creamy texture just like the original, our spread isn’t just for those with food allergies – it’s a delicious addition to every student’s lunch.

Not only is our Peanut-Free Spread top 9 allergen-free, it’s gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO, a great source of protein, and most importantly, safe for schools! If you’re a parent looking for a spread you can feel good packing in your child’s lunch box, we’ve got you covered. Learn more about Voyage’s Peanut-Free Spread by visiting our website at:

For school administrators seeking opportunities to bring creamy, nut-free options to the cafeteria, reach out to us at

Enjoy with confidence! Here is the allergen processing information for Voyage Peanut-Free Spread provided to and presented in Allergence:

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